Frontend Mentor: 3-Column Preview Card Component
Template Name:- Frontend Mentor: 3-Column Preview Card Component.
High Resolution: — Yes.
Compatible Browsers: — All Browser.
Source Files included: — HTML, external CSS, and SVG.
Challenge Link: — Frontend Mentor: 3-Column Preview Card Component
Frontend Mentor is one of the popular platforms for improving your frontend development skills. This website has frontend challenges for a developer who is given JPEG design files for mobile & desktop layouts.
Also Read:- Neumorphism Social Button Icons
This challenge is category-wise for Newbie to Guru sort options. This completes this challenge we have to use only HTML and CSS. Also in this challenge, they provide us a stater file with images and a color list. This is fully responsive for mobile views as well as tables views.
Make it yours now by using it, downloading it, and please share it. we will design more elements for you. Also, we are submitting this repository on Github.
Originally published at on September 28, 2021.