Neumorphism Pagination Using HTML/CSS

Mar 27, 2021


Neumorphism Pagination Using HTML/CSS

Template Name:- Neumorphism Pagination Using HTML/CSS.

High Resolution: — Yes.

Compatible Browsers: — All Browser.

Source Files included: — HTML and Internal CSS.

Pagination is used to show multiple data on a divided page with a number of formats. Here we made a simple and attritive UI for Neumorphism Pagination Using HTML/CSS.

Also Read:- Neumorphic Fixed Top Navbar In Bootstrap 5

In this pagination element we simply used ul, li tag for show list format, and for one line we used flex. To make Neumorphism effects we used box-shadow with hover effects. To make responsive this element we used media queries.

Make it yours now by using it, downloading it, and please share it. we will design more elements for you.

Source Code

Originally published at on March 27, 2021.




Written by w3hubs

We provide awesome user-interface using bootstrap, material design, angular material, angular, expressjs, pure css, responsive design, etc. wih free source code

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